Potent herbs that treat erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction, also called impotence, is far less simple and straightforward than it seems. More a complication than an actual condition, it occurs as an offshoot of diabetes in a large number of men. A study published in the Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine investigated the effects of water extracts from two herbs — Hunteria umbellata and Cylicodiscus gabunensis – on Type 2 diabetes and erectile dysfunction that occurs because of it.

According to statistics, about five percent of men above the age of 40 have erectile dysfunction. In men aged 70, this percentage increases to 15. Although these cases aren’t all connected to diabetes – erectile dysfunction may also result from cardiovascular disease, hormone problems, bad habits, and other factors – diabetic men are more likely to develop impotence than their peers who do not have the disease.

Diabetes is a global epidemic. A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that in the United States alone, more than 100 million adults have either diabetes or prediabetes. This figure is expected to rise in the coming years.

Diabetes is a disease characterized by abnormally high blood sugar levels. It is a chronic disease that, if left uncontrolled, damages different parts of the body and causes various conditions. Some of these complications, as in the case of cardiovascular disease, can be life-threatening. Others, such as erectile dysfunction, can seriously affect a patient’s quality of life.

Chemical medications are used as the go-to conventional treatment for diabetes, but these drugs are known to cause a variety of side effects. For this reason, researchers are turning to nature for safer alternatives that can treat not just diabetes, but also its many complications.

The authors of the study wanted to know if H. umbellate (HU) and C. gabunensis (CG) had potential as a treatment for both Type 2 diabetes and erectile dysfunction. They obtained aqueous extracts from the two plants and tested their effects on arginase and phosphodiesterase-5, two enzymes linked to erectile dysfunction. They also examined how the extracts affected alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase, two enzymes linked to Type 2 diabetes. Moreover, they examined the extracts’ phenolic constituents, as well as their antioxidant activity.

They found that while the extracts from both HU and CG had a dose-dependent inhibitory effect on all enzymes, it was the former that produced the most pronounced results. By suppressing the effects of these enzymes, the extracts can help lower one’s blood sugar levels, as well as stimulate erections.

Antioxidant assays confirmed the extracts’ ability to scavenge free radicals, molecules that damage the cells and cause various health conditions. Analysis revealed the presence of gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, ellagic acid and quercetin in both extracts.

The authors concluded that these findings proved that the extracts from both HU and CG can benefit people with either or both Type 2 diabetes and erectile dysfunction. They emphasized that the herbs could be used as a cheap and natural alternative to chemical medications currently administered to patients.


Habits that raise the risk of erectile dysfunction

It’s not just diabetes that can increase the likelihood of men developing erectile dysfunction. These habits can, as well:

  • Eating canned foods – A diet that contains a lot of canned items may lead to erectile dysfunction. This is because a lot of cans, particularly those that hold tomatoes and beans, are lined with bisphenol-A (BPA). In men, this substance can mess with hormones, contributing to the risk of impotence.
  • Biking – Riding a bike more than three hours a week can compress the nerves and blood vessels in the area between the penis and anus, possibly leading to impotence. To address the problem, one can use leather bike seats instead of plastic ones.
  • Not brushing – Gum disease can cause bacteria to travel through the bloodstream. These pathogens may combine with plaque in blood and clog blood vessels, even the ones in the penis. This will prevent blood from entering the penis and causing an erection.

Find natural ways to treat erectile dysfunction and other health problems at Remedies.news.

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