Learn how to become your own medicine man or woman

True medical freedom is experienced when you gain self-reliance in taking care of your most common healthcare needs through natural means.

Today, it has become all too common for people to reach for painkillers or potentially dangerous medicine as their first port of call. This knee-jerk reaction to reach for some pill or another to treat any sort of condition has made us too dependent on modern medicine.

Research reveals that 81 percent of American adults use OTC drugs as their first response to minor conditions. Worse, further studies have concluded that 48 percent of us have used at least one prescription drug in the past 30 days – a five percent increase since 2000. This number is only expected to rise.

This is doing us more harm that good. As we veer away from the many therapeutic herbs given to us by Mother Nature, we are only opening ourselves up to an increased risk for various diseases.

four-part video training series can help change that. Starting on September 24, Monday, you can learn how to treat 12 of the most common ailments that may plague you or your family using only natural herbs and spices. The complimentary series will highlight the many medicines that can already be found in your kitchen cupboard.

The Herbal Medicine Kit Program is your first step towards medical independence. It is especially designed for beginners and includes simple ways for you to begin your journey in becoming your own medicine man or woman. The video training series will also include eight herbal preparations that can be used to remedy 95 percent of your common healthcare needs.

As an added “thank you,” the series will be available until October 5 so that you can watch all four videos at your own leisure. Two resources will also be given to you at no cost once you register. These include the eBook “Garlic: Your First Home Medicine,” which teaches you everything you need to start using garlic home remedies, and “8 Herbal Preparations Guide,” which is a quick-reference chart that every medicine man or woman needs.

Gift yourself with knowledge. The Herbal Medicine Kit Program reveals the biggest reasons why the existing medical system is so dangerous. As Dr. David Healy, an internationally respected psychiatrist, psychopharmacologist, and scientist, once wrote: “A more specific problem is the evidence indicating that company articles on therapeutics often fail to refer to the data on serious hazards of treatment [emphasis added] such as suicidal acts or indeed evidence that not only raw data has been suppressed, but it has in some instances been significantly changed.” (Related: Natural medicine is NOT the “alternative” — for most of human history, it was the ONLY medicine.)

There are easier, natural, and safer ways to improve your health. This four-part video series is your guide to becoming a confident, self-reliant herbalist.

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