Home remedies for improving psoriasis symptoms

Due to its nature, psoriasis cannot be truly cured. But its symptoms can be managed so that the skin condition causes little or no trouble for the patient. And there are many natural remedies for psoriasis that can be whipped up and applied in the convenient comfort of one’s home.

Scalp psoriasis, in particular, is a form of psoriasis that affects the scalp. Psoriasis is an autoimmune problem where the skin cells build up faster than normal. The excess cells accumulate into reddish flakes and encrusted patches of skin covered by silvery-white scales. (Related: An ingredient found in a traditional Chinese medicine shown to be effective in treating psoriasis.)

Treat scalp psoriasis with apple cider vinegar and essential oils

One home remedy for scalp psoriasis involves a mixture of equal parts of apple cider vinegar. Patients can use the solution to wash their hair after shampooing. It is recommended to carefully knead the mixture into the affected skin.

Acetic acid and other active compounds in apple cider vinegar possess the ability to clean wounds and reduce the severity of inflammatory attacks. They can soothe and help heal the inflammation and infections associated with the problem.

The apple cider vinegar rinse can be paired with essential oils from oregano, calendula, and other medicinal plants. First, apply the oil-based mixture on the scalp and massage it into the skin. Then use the shampoo to clean your hair. Finally, rinse out the oil and shampoo with the apple vinegar cider mixture.

To make this essential oil-based cure, use one cup of pure olive oil as the carrier oil that delivers the essential oils into the skin. Add one drop of oregano oil and two drops of calendula oil.

Soak up more sunlight or apply salt from the Dead Sea on your scalp

Vitamin D analogs are some of the recommended topical treatments for relieving the symptoms of scalp psoriasis. Since sunlight triggers the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin, it stands to reason that exposing the scalp to the premier source of natural ultraviolet light can relieve psoriasis.

Spend some time outdoors under the sun. Healthy skin should be protected from excessive sunlight with either clothing or sunscreen made from natural ingredients like coconut oil or shea butter.

The Dead Sea in Israel contains many medicinal salts that can help alleviate many skin conditions and diseases. A tablespoon of these salts can be dissolved in two quarts of water to make a mild solution for rinsing the scalp after shampooing.

Another way to use Dead Sea salts is for turning ordinary shampoo into a medicinal one. Pour a tablespoon’s worth of salt into a bottle filled with shampoo and use that enriched shampoo from now on.

Olive oil and buttermilk are not just good for eating

Olive oil itself can serve as a natural remedy for scalp psoriasis without needing any essential oils. A quarter cup of warm oil can be massaged into the scalp before sleeping for the night. Make sure to shampoo the hair come the morning.

If using olive oil on the scalp is unappealing, an alternative massage oil can be made from aloe vera gel and garlic oil. Combine equal amounts of the two ingredients and use this as a topical treatment for the scalp before sleeping. Again, remember to clear the oil out of hair in the morning.

Buttermilk is another food-based remedy for scalp psoriasis. Soak a cloth in the dairy drink and place it on the scalp. It can also be consumed as food to increase levels of vitamin D and other nutrients that can alleviate the effects of psoriasis.

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