Henna is a natural remedy for bed sores

The henna (Lawsonia inermis Linn.) plant has many different uses. These include the treatment of different diseases and skin conditions. A study, conducted by researchers from Arak University of Medical Sciences and Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, revealed that henna can also be used to prevent decubitus ulcers.

  • A decubitus ulcer is a condition wherein the skin is damaged due to pressure or friction caused by lying down. These ulcers are commonly located in regions around the bones.
  • Henna is an ornamental plant that is commonly used for producing dyes. In addition to this, it has also been used for various medicinal purposes.
  • According to previous studies, the henna plant contains a lot of bioactive compounds, including flavonoids, phenolic compounds, and terpenoids. These compounds can be attributed to the plant’s antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, and anticancer properties, which are just some of its reported benefits.
  • Evaluation of henna’s potential application in preventing decubitus ulcers was conducted through a randomized clinical trial with 80 participants.
  • A mixture of henna and water was made using a 1:10 ratio. This mixture was applied to the sacrum and left for 30 minutes before being rinsed off with warm water.

Results of the study showed that henna effectively prevented decubitus ulcers and could, therefore, be used as a safe, effective, and cheaper alternative to commonly used treatments.

Read the full text of the study at this link.

Learn more about how henna can remedy bed sores by visiting Cures.news today.

Journal Reference:

Hekmatpou D, Ahmadian F, Eghbali M, Farsaei S. HENNA (LAWSONIA INERMIS) AS AN INEXPENSIVE METHOD TO PREVENT DECUBITUS ULCERS IN CRITICAL CARE UNITS: A RANDOMIZED CLINICAL TRIAL. Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine. 4 March 2018;23. DOI: 10.1177/2515690X18772807
