By Zoey Sky
Food cures: A guide to making your own garlic tincture
During the time of the pioneers, most natural cures were made from local herbs and plants. They often used garlic (Allium sativum) to make herbal remedies, and this article will discuss a potent antibiotic garlic tincture that even modern preppers can use to treat various ailments like a cold or skin infections. (h/t to Making the antibiotic garlic […]
By Zoey Sky
A guide on how to use lime essential oil on the homestead
While it isn’t as popular as other oils, lime essential oil has various uses on a homestead. If you’re not familiar with essential oils, they’re the “concentrated form of the chemical constituents naturally found in plants” that give them their medicinal properties. (h/t to The various uses of lime essential oil Lime essential oil […]
By RJ Jhonson
Your SHTF medicinal herb kit should contain yarrow
Should SHTF, you may experience a much greater risk for physical injuries. This could be complicated by the possible lack of operational medical treatment facilities or medical supplies. You may, therefore, need to depend on nature’s boons to keep yourself safe from harm. Among the herbs you need for your emergency first aid kit, yarrow […]
By Rhonda Johansson
8 Medicinal uses of mullein that can help you in a survival situation
Mullein is a backyard weed that was used by native Americans for their medicinal properties. This fascinating plant is known by multiple names such as “Jupiter’s staff,” “Aaron’s rod,” “Jacob’s staff,” and “Flannel leaf.” Though botanists describe mullein as invasive and terribly difficult to eradicate, the weed can be used by preppers during emergency situations. […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Back to nature: Five of the best medicinal plants to grow in your garden
More often than not, you can find the solution to your ailment in nature. That unassuming-looking weed can actually be a cure for stomach flu or something else. Here, we look at some of the best medicinal plants to have and grow in your garden. While there are many more excellent medicinal plants to add […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Making medicine after a disaster: North American’s top medicinal plants
Nature is a wonderful source of food, but did you know that you can count on it for medicine too? North America is rife with medicinal plants. Some can speed up the healing process of cuts and bruises, while others can help you get through a bad cold. Either way, we’re surrounded by plants essential […]
By Isabelle Z.
Oil of oregano kills pathogens safely and effectively
Oregano has an uncanny ability to salvage even the dullest-tasting pasta sauces, but did you know that it can also save your life? Studies have shown that oil of oregano has the power to kill pathogens effectively and safely. Researchers from the Georgetown University Medical Center set out to determine what effects the oil would […]
By Zoey Sky
Survival medicine: Are you familiar with the medicinal uses of honey?
Aside from being a natural sweetener, preppers know that raw honey has several medicinal uses that can be helpful in a pinch. Check them out below, and don’t forget to include some honey in your supplies. (h/t to Honey possesses medicinal properties because it is full of sugar with little to no water content. In […]
By Janine Acero
The difference between the common cold and the flu
Everyone gets sick occasionally, and in a typical situation, remedies and medical care are readily available. However, in a SHTF scenario, you will have limited access to medical help, and when you happen to catch any illness, you won’t have the time or resources to figure out what caused it and how to remedy it. […]
By Zoey Sky
The survivalist’s simple guide to poison ivy: What it is and what to do if you’ve touched it
Hiking is usually an invigorating activity that lets you commune with nature. But what do you do if you accidentally touch poison ivy while you’re on a hike? Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) is a plant that can cause various painful side effects when it comes into contact with skin. (h/t The dangers of poison ivy Here are […]
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