Oil of Oregano
By Isabelle Z.
7 best natural home remedies for your personal pharmacy
If you’re nervous about flu season, it’s time to stock your own personal home pharmacy with natural remedies that can help you get through the season without getting sick. Your body is naturally able to resolve many health concerns and symptoms, and Derek Henry, the founder of Healing the Body, shared his top seven proven […]
By Lance D Johnson
Have you tried any of these natural alternatives to antibiotics?
Bacteria have quickly evolved at the genetic level to resist modern antibiotics. Since modern antibiotics destroy both bad and good bacteria, the overly treated, sterilized microbiome of the individual becomes seriously depleted of microbial life, stimulating bacteria to quickly adapt to survive. Scientists now confirm that bacteria have developed resistance to last-line antibiotics such as […]
By Isabelle Z.
Oil of oregano kills pathogens safely and effectively
Oregano has an uncanny ability to salvage even the dullest-tasting pasta sauces, but did you know that it can also save your life? Studies have shown that oil of oregano has the power to kill pathogens effectively and safely. Researchers from the Georgetown University Medical Center set out to determine what effects the oil would […]
By Derek Henry
The 7 best natural home remedies for your personal flu season pharmacy (recipes included)
The idea of prescriptions and surgery as reasonable solutions to health conditions is ridiculous in the majority of cases, once you realize that the body can resolve many symptoms and health concerns naturally. Of course, this takes some know-how and experience, something few people have in a world dominated by pharmaceutical companies who are teaching […]
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