healthy living
By Mike Adams
How to OPT OUT of cancer and live completely without the disease, no matter what your doctor says
Today, we’re launching a powerful new video series called “Opt Out Universe” which teaches viewers how to opt out of life experiences you wish to avoid in order to improve your life, overcome disease, escape financial servitude and more. The name comes from the philosophical realization that most of the bad outcomes people experience in […]
By Carol Anderson
5 Lifestyle habits to follow to add more than 10 years to your life
Due to our unhealthy habits, our life expectancy rate has been cut short to just around 79.3 years. Yet in our constant quest to find ways to live a little bit longer through artificial means, a surprising (or perhaps not) strategy can be found in simple but powerful lifestyle changes. For years, researchers have been conducting a comprehensive […]
By Jessica Dolores
Probiotics help reduce risk of asthma in children
To say that all kinds of bacteria do more harm than good is to do these microorganisms an injustice. Yes, horror stories of how bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus can enter bones, joints, lungs and heart valves and have fatal results. Meningitis, which can deteriorate to brain damage, even death, comes from bacteria, viruses and fungi. But […]
By Mike Adams
Hidden poisons in your MOUTH may be causing cancer, arthritis, heart disease and even obesity
Each day, I review hundreds of science and medicine headlines for assigning stories to websites like and, and I repeatedly see new science papers published about the links between oral bacteria and chronic diseases such as heart disease. The science is clear: If you have bacteria lurking in an old root canal, or […]
By Ralph Flores
Set them up for success: Teach your kids these 7 healthy habits for their long term well-being
As parents, we want nothing more than the best things for our children. That’s why we start them young: We start saving up for their college, we put them in the best schools we know or even set them up to learn a skill or two that they may use when they grow up. Experts […]
By Zoey Sky
Being a pet parent can extend your life, especially if you’re single, according to new study
Aside from being man’s best friend, it looks like dogs can help singles live longer. Based on data from a study, British pet owners allegedly reduce early death rates by as much as 36 percent. The connection between dogs and decreased risk of premature death Researchers from Uppsala University, Sweden, studied health records and dog […]
By Rita Winters
The science of happiness: Researchers suggest taking your next coffee break outside
When you see someone smiling or laughing, the tendency is that you would smile or laugh yourself. Happiness is as simple as that. How do you cope with stress? How do you unwind? The next time you take a break away from your daily toil, go outside and smell the flowers. At the University of […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Meditation popularity grows as people pursue natural ways of well-being for everything from mental health to better sex
Sex enhusiasts are now into practicing meditation to indulge in “better sex,” ex-actress and now an expert in the ancient Buddhist philosophy, 38-year-old Ziva Meditation owner Emily Fletcher, says. Meditation works on the premise that the problems and worries of everyday life can be diminished by focusing on what is happening in the present, and […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Specific gut microbes found to prevent influenza by “digesting” flavonoids found in superfoods
Scientists behind the latest nutritional review on gut microbiomes and flavonoids call their results “intriguing” after observing an unusual connection between the two. The description was made after observing that a specific gut microbe directly influenced how naturally-occurring compounds called flavonoids impacted our immune system. Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine are now […]
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