food as medicine
By RJ Jhonson
A popular Chinese medicine identified to hold great potential in treating colon cancer
Metastasis, the process in which cancer cells spread to different parts of the body, is one of the most fearsome aspects of cancer. According to a study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a plant traditionally used in Chinese medicine can help put a stop to metastasis in colon cancer patients without […]
By Michelle Simmons
Better bone density achieved by simply eating more dried plums
There are many natural ways to improve bone health and prevent osteoporosis later in life. One of these is eating more dried plums, according to researchers from Florida State University and Oklahoma State University. In the study, which was published in the British Journal of Nutrition, the researchers evaluated two groups of postmenopausal women over a […]
By Rita Winters
Holiday indulgence: 4 natural remedies for hangover
The holidays are fast approaching, and one of your family members will surely take you down the long road of inebriety. If you’ve had one too many drinks, then you know what it is like to have a hangover. For those of you who have never experienced it, hangovers are the varying discomforts you experience after […]
By Michelle Simmons
This West African vegetable can be used to heal an impaired liver
Researchers continue to find alternative medicines in plants. One example is the West African vegetable called fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) which can be used to treat a damaged liver, according to a study published in the Journal of Biomedical Sciences. The liver is an important body organ because it plays an essential role in digesting […]
By Ellaine Castillo
Recent research documents the usefulness of Japanese ginger in preventing Type 2 diabetes
When it comes to diseases, it is always better to prevent something rather than treat it once it’s already there. This is why researchers from Framingham State University and Hannam University were looking at the potential of Japanese ginger (Zingiber mioga) to prevent Type 2 diabetes from developing in patients diagnosed with prediabetes. In their study, which was […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Onions are good for your immune system: Study
Too much drug usage leads to disturbances in the immunity that often affects the health. People need to lessen their use of pharmaceutical drugs and try to use more natural products to optimize their immune system and hinder the prevalence of side effects that opioids cause. This is where the onion comes in. Onions belong to the […]
By Ralph Flores
Mangoes for digestive health: A compound found in the fruit was found to be effective against H. pylori
The next big thing in cancer treatment might just come from a fruit we all know — mangoes. A study published in the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines revealed that mangiferin, a bioactive compound found in mangoes, may reduce the likelihood of gastric cancer induced by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). In their study […]
By RJ Jhonson
The metabolic benefits of a genistein-rich diet in obese people
Researchers found that consuming a diet rich in the isoflavone compound genistein can benefit people with obesity and diabetes. The study, published in the Journal of Medicinal Food, found that the compound can improve thermogenesis and metabolism, as well as control corticosterone levels. Obesity has been linked to reductions in thermogenesis. The researchers created a […]
By RJ Jhonson
Apple cider vinegar suppresses obesity-induced oxidative stress
In obese individuals, oxidative stress increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, among other health conditions. A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that the daily intake of apple cider vinegar can have beneficial effects against both oxidative stress and the risk of heart- and blood vessel-related conditions. The researchers noted that […]
By Michelle Simmons
Bitter orange essential oil reduces anxiety in patients suffering from crack withdrawal
Researchers from the Federal University of Paraíba in Paraiba, Brazil have found that bitter orange (Citrus aurantium L.) can help reduce anxiety in patients suffering from crack cocaine withdrawal. They aimed to evaluate the anxiolytic effect of the essential oil of bitter orange in patients experiencing crack withdrawal. The study, which was published in the journal […]
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