By Zoey Sky
Butternut squash is a yummy way to boost your vitamin C levels
Butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata), which belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family of cucurbits or gourds, is also called winter or pumpkin squash. A good source of vitamin C, butternut squash is also rich in carotenoids and minerals. Butternut squash has complex carbohydrates and significant amounts of iron, magnesium, potassium, and riboflavin. The gourd also contains carotenoids like alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, […]
By Zoey Sky
A climbing shrub in India found to be a powerful antibacterial agent
Researchers have a determined that a plant from India may have potent antibacterial properties. Their findings revealed that a large climbing shrub called piluki (Combretum album) can be used to fight pathogenic bacteria. Due to the rampant misuse of prescription drugs, antibiotic immunity is quickly becoming a widespread public health concern. Pathogenic bacteria are now more resistant […]
By Zoey Sky
Homeopathic remedies for tendonitis
Your tendons are sheaths that connect muscles to bones all over your body. If you feel pain in your joints, you may be suffering from tendonitis. Tendonitis occurs when muscles are overused, injured, or strained. This condition makes the tendons inflamed, and this can cause severe pain that may limit movement. If you suffer from […]
By Zoey Sky
Alternative treatments for jock itch
Jock itch, or tinea cruris, refers to a fungal infection that affects the groin. This condition can be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) ointments, but some medications may cause negative side effects. To avoid these adverse effects, consider using natural and effective home remedies for jock itch. (h/t to Natural treatments for tinea cruris Instead […]
By Zoey Sky
Home remedies for different types of skin rashes
If your feet are itchy, you may be suffering from a foot rash caused by a fungal infection. A person with a foot rash may experience symptoms such as a burning itch, oozing blisters, peeling skin, and red bumps. These symptoms may be caused by various reasons such as eczema or contact with something that you are allergic […]
By Zoey Sky
Horseradish treats a variety of health conditions, from asthma to toothache to gout pain
Horseradish, a root vegetable with a spicy and peppery flavor, belongs to the plant family Brassicaceae. Horseradish contains sulfur-containing secondary metabolites called glucosinolates that are responsible for its unique and pungent taste. The root vegetable has different glucosinolates like glucobrassicin, gluconasturtiin, neoglucobrassicin, and sinigrin. When you consume horseradish, glucosinolates are broken down into isothiocyanates, the alleged cancer-preventive compounds […]
By Zoey Sky
Licorice extract is a safe and natural remedy for hyperpigmentation
Hyperpigmentation, or the darkening of the skin and nails, occurs when an individual has high levels of melanin. Traditionally, licorice extract is used to treat this condition. Licorice extract is often combined with different citrus fruits to make an effective skin brightener. This mixture can be applied topically to help treat the symptoms of hyperpigmentation. Licorice extract: Nature’s […]
By Zoey Sky
Aromatic cumin remains one of the most trusted foods in Ayurvedic medicine due to its range of abilities to treat various disorders
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) belongs to the parsley family. The flowering plant is cultivated for its aromatic fruits, also known as “cumin seed.” Cumin has seeds that are dried and used whole, in powdered form, or as a source of essential oil. The health benefits and uses of cumin Cumin seed is full of macro- and […]
By Zoey Sky
Cleanse your liver with these natural herbs
Anyone can develop liver disease, even if you don’t frequently drink alcohol. To maintain your overall health, you can take herbal supplements that can help cleanse your liver. What exactly does the liver do? The liver has various functions. It produces various chemicals that the body needs to function normally and it breaks down and […]
By Zoey Sky
Nature cures: Medicinal plants from South Africa can treat influenza without negative side effects
Different kinds of drugs are currently used to treat influenza; however, these are also linked to negative side effects – even vaccines and conventional antiviral agents have limited effectiveness against influenza viruses. In a study, researchers suggest five South African medicinal plants which can help treat the influenza A virus (IAV). Researchers are hopeful that these alternative remedies can […]
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