antibiotic resistance
By Zoey Sky
Can Moor-e-Talkh, a Persian medicinal plant, be used to treat antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
A study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine revealed that Salvia mirzayanii, a Persian medicinal plant also known as Moor-e-Talkh, could be effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The researchers involved in the study believe that S. mirzayanii can be used to develop natural antibacterial and antifungal remedies for various illnesses such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Countless medical experts have expressed concern that the […]
By Isabelle Z.
Research indicates that turmeric may help mitigate the growth of MRSA superbugs
One of the scariest health problems that the world is facing today is the explosion of antibiotic-resistant superbugs like methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. These bacteria can cause infections, pneumonia, and other problems. When left unchecked – which is often the case because it’s notoriously difficult to treat – it can lead to sepsis and […]
By Edsel Cook
Has the cure for MRSA been found? A traditional Côte d’Ivoire medicine shows great potential in treating the infection
An African medicinal plant might be a potential means of treating infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Researchers from Côte d’Ivoire studied the therapeutic potential of extracts from cherry mahogany (Tieghemella heckelii), a tree that grows in certain African countries like Cameroon and Côte d’Ivoire. S. aureus is one of the bacteria commonly involved in […]
By Vicki Batts
Science again confirms the efficacy of ancient medicine: The antibacterial properties of honey found to be effective against resistant MRSA
To many, honey is more than just a natural sweetener: it’s a source of valuable medicine. A revered folk cure, honey has been used for a variety of medicinal purposes throughout the centuries, and now, science has confirmed that this tasty food may be all that stands between us and the scourge of antibiotic-resistant infections […]
By Carol Anderson
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria on the rise; what can you do NOW to stay healthy?
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported cases of more than 200 types of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, also known as “superbugs.” The cases were widespread in 27 states, raising an alarm among health organizations and the government. It appears that these bacteria are thriving in the very same place where […]
By Frances Bloomfield
An unlikely hero in antibiotic resistance: Platypus milk could be used to fight superbugs
Back in 2010, researchers uncovered special antibacterial properties in platypus milk. Its antibacterial potency is such that the team believed it could one day help combat superbugs. Come 2018, a new group of scientists from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) has found out why. The milk on its own is unique. Firstly, […]
By Jessica Dolores
Outsmarting antibiotic resistance to treat UTIs: Scientists successfully use alternative sugar molecules as decoys to trick E.coli bacteria
It’s a feeling many women are familiar with. They rush to the nearest bathroom to empty their bladder. They try to pass off urine but can’t. The urine comes in trickles. And when it does, the pain is unbearable. The mild burning sensation is scary. The culprit: Urinary tract infection or UTI. Urologists often prescribe […]
By Jessica Dolores
Botanical antimicrobials offer effective alternatives to synthetic antibiotics
The development of antibiotics has reduced overall mortality and morbidity from infectious diseases, but it has also led to the rise of resistant microbial strains. In response, scientists have turned to medicinal plants for cures and treatments to diseases. In connection with this, a study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine looked at the […]
By Tracey Watson
Antibiotics in the wild: Usnea, a lichen that grows all around the globe, has been used as effective natural medicine for centuries
You have likely walked past it dozens of times during walks in wooded areas, without ever realizing that you were passing one of nature’s most miraculous healers. Usnea (pronounced yew-snee-a), or Old Man’s Beard, as it is known to many, is a type of lichen that can be found on trees that grow in high […]
By Tracey Watson
Global antibiotic resistance killing thousands: Natural alternatives only viable medicine left
By now, most people are aware that many common bacteria have become resistant to the antibiotic medications commonly prescribed to defeat them. When antibiotics lose their ability to control common and potentially deadly diseases, it is referred to as antibiotic resistance. These pathogens are commonly known as “superbugs.” Over the past few years, an increasing […]
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