By Divina Ramirez
Strengthen the immune system with these 12 superfoods
The immune system plays an important role in the protection of the body against disease. When functioning properly, the immune system can identify bacteria, viruses and other pathogens, and distinguish these from the body’s own cells. However, the immune system may be compromised due to poor nutrition and overall health. A weak immune system can […]
By Grace Olson
Magnesium and anxiety: A look at the benefits and how to include it in your diet
Magnesium is called “nature’s relaxation mineral” because of its crucial role in helping the body relax. This makes the mineral more important these days, when people are constantly under stress and feeling anxious. The latter, in particular, has been linked to certain mental disorders, including depression and GAD (general anxiety disorder). Because of magnesium’s relaxing properties, it has been linked […]
By Grace Olson
Put some protein in your smoothie with these 5 vegetables
Proteins are often associated with meat, cheese, and other dairy products – but did you know that vegetables offer them as well? If you’re looking to get your daily dose of protein without adding meat to your diet, a good way to do it is to combine vegetables into your smoothies. What are proteins? A protein is a chain of amino […]
By Janine Acero
Just ONE serving of greens per day helps delay brain aging by over a decade
Aging causes a lot of unwanted health issues, most notably cognitive decline and memory loss. People in their 50s are told that nothing can be done about it. But is decreased brain function really an inevitable part of aging? New research from Rush University Medical Center in Chicago suggests that a simple step can be […]
By Zoey Sky
Essential to your overall health and well-being, you can find vitamin A in these foods
The human body needs vitamin A to maintain overall health. But since your body is unable to produce the vitamin on its own, you need to follow a nutritious diet full of vitamin A-rich foods to prevent deficiency. Vitamin A: An essential nutrient that boosts eye health Vitamin A offers the following benefits for certain […]
By Zoey Sky
A sugar found in leafy greens promotes gut health, new study concludes
Leafy green vegetables are a staple in healthy diets because they are full of many vitamins and minerals. According to a study, leafy greens can even boost your gut health. The study, which was published in the journal Nature Chemical Biology, was conducted by researchers from Australian and the U.K. Data from the study suggests that a certain type […]
By Ralph Flores
Spinach: An easy and delicious way to reduce your risk of heart disease
Just about everyone is familiar with Popeye, the sailor who packs a spinach-powered punch. It’s also a trick that parents (and grandparents) have used for decades to convince their children to eat their vegetables. It turns out, there’s truth behind those colossal punches. Spinach, according to multiple studies, offers a bevy of health benefits – from better […]
By Michelle Simmons
The top 7 anti-inflammatory foods to consider adding to your diet
Inflammation is the normal response of your body’s immune system to the presence of pathogens, and helps fight disease, injury, or infection. However, when too much inflammation occurs in the body, it can become chronic and lead to many health problems, including autoimmune diseases and various types of cancer. Fortunately, you don’t need harmful medication to address inflammation […]
By Michelle Simmons
Eat (or drink) your vegetables: Make smoothies to maximize the lutein in spinach
Spinach is one of the healthiest vegetables available. There are many different ways of preparing spinach, but a recent study suggests that blending it in a smoothie or adding it to your green juice is the best way to maximize its lutein content. Lutein is an antioxidant found abundantly in dark green vegetables. Earlier research shows that […]
By Zoey Sky
Study shows lutein can boost heart health
Vegetables with the carotenoid lutein, such as carrots and kale, are often consumed because they can help improve eye health. However, the results of a study have revealed that lutein is also good for the heart. Lutein: A carotenoid that can keep your heart healthy Lutein is crucial for eye health, and the carotenoid can protect […]
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