Health Ranger
By REACH Press Release
Meet the new line of herbal tinctures from the Health Ranger Store
Despite our best efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, there are times where it can be an uphill battle – what, with the food that we eat, to the pollution we’re exposed to, and even the water that we drink every day. To give us a much-needed boost, the Health Ranger Store has launched its newest line […]
By Mike Adams
Starts TODAY: The Oral Health Summit’s eye-opening interview with the Health Ranger
The Holistic Oral Health Summit begins today, and it features interviews with dozens of experts in holistic dentistry and oral health. I was interviewed for the summit to discuss links between oral health and chronic degenerative disease, and this particular interview is getting a tremendously positive response from those who have seen it. Watch my […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger: How I beat type-2 diabetes using food, nutrition and exercise, avoiding a lifetime of insulin and toxic pharma drugs
Two decades ago, I was on the path to a lifetime of type-2 diabetes. Living on processed foods and lacking exercise, I suffered from hypoglycemia, high cholesterol and numerous other health problems. Like millions of people have now achieved, however, I turned my health around with simple but powerful changes in food, nutrition and exercise. […]
By Mike Adams
Diabetes SOLVED: “iThrive” videos reveal secret to reversing type-2 diabetes and healing yourself without dangerous pharmaceuticals
Diabetes is not a mystery. We know what causes it and we know how to reverse most cases (especially type-2). Yet the diabetes industry depends on widespread public ignorance to keep profiting from diabetes drugs, ineffective treatments and medical myths that are hopelessly obsolete. Meanwhile, the processed food industry profits from marketing selling precisely those […]
By Mike Adams
This “Sacred Plant” can revolutionize medicine, healing and human freedom… but doctors are criminalized for talking about it
A new documentary series called “The Sacred Plant” is going live on November 2nd (registration opens today at this link). This documentary focuses on a “sacred plant” that holds the promise for a global revolution in medicine and health. This one plant is encoded with chemistry that can help treat cancer, restore physical activity through […]
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