By RJ Jhonson
Scientists study a traditional Chinese herbal medicine for its potential anticancer effects
Compound Muniziqi granule (MNZQ) has been used in China as a treatment for various conditions related to hormones and the endocrine system. A study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine investigates a compound present in one of its ingredients and examines the chemical’s ability to cause apoptosis and autophagy in B16 cancer […]
By Russel Davis
Nutrition is the key to keeping your cells young: When cells don’t get enough energy they breakdown, creating conditions for many age-related diseases
A study carried out by researchers at the University of Tübingen Interfaculty Institute for Cell Biology (IFIZ) in Germany has identified a new molecular signaling mechanism that regulates autophagy, a cellular recycling process where the cells continually break down and renew small parts of themselves by way of self-digestion. According to researchers, this process helps keep the cells young. The […]
By Tracey Watson
Strict eating and fasting schedule cleans the blood: Study finds it could clear out proteins that cause Huntington’s disease
Huntington’s disease is a progressive genetic condition that affects the brain and causes involuntary jerking and twitching movements, emotional problems like depression and irritability, coordination problems, and trouble learning new things or making decisions. The condition is usually diagnosed when somebody is in their 30s or 40s – though in rare instances a juvenile form […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Scientists closer to unraveling the mystery of how omega-3 fatty acids halt inflammation and prevent disease throughout the body
A new study further adds to the nutritional compendium which proves just how salubrious omega-3 fatty acids are. A team from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) wanted to truly understand just how these fats impacted health — particularly their potency in dampening inflammation in the body. Their medical review suggested that omega-3 […]
By Isabelle Z.
Omega-3 supplements proven to be powerful medicine by drastically reducing CXCL-10 inflammation factors across the body
It won’t come as a surprise to most people that Omega-3 fatty acids like those found in fatty fish are good for your health, but a new study revealing just how these important acids fight inflammation shows they might be even more beneficial than believed. It turns out they work their magic by activating the […]
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