Homeopathic remedies for tendonitis

Your tendons are sheaths that connect muscles to bones all over your body. If you feel pain in your joints, you may be suffering from tendonitis.

Tendonitis occurs when muscles are overused, injured, or strained. This condition makes the tendons inflamed, and this can cause severe pain that may limit movement. If you suffer from tendonitis, consider some of these homeopathic remedies that can ease pain and hasten the healing process.

Before taking any of these remedies, consult a professional homeopath who can help identify the proper remedy and dosage for your condition. A homeopath will consider your physical symptoms, strong emotional side effects, patient case history, and environmental influences before recommending the corresponding treatment.

Arnica montana (Mountain arnica/Wolf’s bane)

Arnica montana is often used to treat traumatic muscle injury, especially when general soreness is aggravated by even a light touch. Additionally, Arnica can help cure the confusion, moroseness, and shock linked to an injury like tendonitis.

This remedy can also ease common reactions like indifference and isolation. The cream form of Arnica can be used topically on the injured area. Use this remedy before and immediately after a strenuous activity to prevent further injury.

Atropa belladonna (Belladonna/Deadly nightshade)

Use belladona if tendonitis throws your nervous system off-balance. Belladona can be used to treat tendonitis if your symptoms include congestion, a constricted throat, a flushed face, heightened senses, and sensitivity to light and noise.

This kind of tendonitis will rarely cause angry outbursts, but it may make you feel like you want to escape and indulge in fantasies.

Hypericum perforatum (St John’s wort)

Hypericum perforatum can help relieve tendonitis accompanied by a tingling, burning pain. This remedy can also ease melancholy, mental fogginess, and shock. Common symptoms may include drowsiness and nausea.

Symptoms can be worsened by cold, dampness, stagnant air, and touch. Use Hypericum perforatum if you feel pain or pressure over the sacrum and if your joints feel bruised. Lean your head backward to temporarily relieve symptoms. (Related: 8 Powerful analgesic (Pain Relievers ) That Grows On Trees.)

Rhus toxicodendron (Poison ivy)

Rhus toxicodendron can be used if your tendonitis is linked to rheumatic conditions. The indications for this homeopathic remedy include extreme restlessness and fidgeting to find a comfortable position. Symptoms may include chills, cold sores, dry cough, and fever.

The patient may feel confusion or nervousness. Symptoms can be eased by moving around, but they may be aggravated by cold and rest. Symptoms may worsen during nighttime.

Ruta graveolens (Common rue)

Ruta graveolens is the remedy for tendonitis that makes a patient feel despair, fear, insecurity, and uncertainty following an injury. A patient may suffer from eye strain, pressure, and soreness followed by headaches.

This condition causes a general feeling of stiffness and weakness in the joints and musculature, specifically in the back, the muscles of the thigh, and the wrists. Your symptoms may worsen after long periods of rest and cold weather.

After consulting a homeopath, take the remedy suited to your condition to ease the pain cause by tendonitis.

How to prevent tendonitis

You can prevent tendonitis by practicing the three strategies listed below.

  1. Avoid repetitive movements – Try to avoid repetitive movements that can greatly increase your risk of developing tendonitis. Repetitive motions can also cause recurring tendonitis. Rest whenever you can to reduce the risk of tendonitis.
  2. Exercise regularly – Practice exercises that are designed to strengthen the muscles around the tendons. Consult a professional like a physical therapist to determine the proper strengthening and stretching exercises suitable for your condition.
  3. Stretch and cool down – If you take part in sports or other rigorous physical activities, always warm up and stretch properly. Do cool down exercises and stretches once you’re done to prevent tendonitis from occurring or recurring.

You can read more articles about effective homeopathic cures for what ails you at AlternativeMedicine.news.

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